* Tax Data Swap (TDS)

Standard SAP is adequate when all sales and/or purchases can be taxed solely using tax jurisdiction code at document header or line item level. This is rarely the case; complex tax laws require the use of many other data elements. TDS bridges the gap between tax attributes data required by third-party tax software (i.e. Taxware or Vertex) and those provided within standard SAP parameters. The TDS solution is portable and generic in nature. It can be used by any size company, in any industry in America. It is flexible, portable, easily maintained and captures benefits immediately.
 Please Click here for detailed TDS information.

 Please Click here if you would like us to evaluate your sales & use tax issues. There is no obligation.

* MasterNet

Master data can be considered the backbone of any SAP model. Its integrity is key to processing transactions properly and reporting business results accurately.
Duplicate and inaccurate data is commonplace and carries a cost. Most companies struggle with master data issues from the day of Go Live. MasterNet ensures master data integrity and expedites the set up of SAP records using your Intranet.
 Please Click here for detailed MasterNet information.

 Please Click here if you would like us to contact you about your specific master data issues or needs. There is no obligation.

* SAP Auto Pay Freight Process

- Increase the efficiency of handling freight charges and payments to carriers and eliminate manual processing and errors.

* SAP / Microsoft Integration

- Provides system users with increased flexibility and improves processing efficiency.

* Credit Card Interface

- Real time payment acceptance and processing of credit card payments.